Exemption Application Review Service
Before submitting an exemption application to the Ministry, some families prefer to have it checked over first, to make sure that the application should meet the requirements. Over the past few years I have reviewed hundreds of exemption applications, and given detailed, specific guidance about any changes that need making to ensure it will meet the requirements and should be able to be approved without difficulty. While it is always possible someone in one of the offices processing applications will ask for some additional information, usually applications I have reviewed are approved without the need for more information, if my suggestions are followed, because you will have already ensured that you have covered all the required information.*
*Note: By this I do not mean that I will tell you what to say - that is not my role. My role is to help you understand the Ministry's requirements, point out areas where you have not yet provided sufficient information to meet those requirements, and offer suggestions where needed; for example where to find resources you might like to investigate etc. Deciding what and how you will teach your child, and planning their program and your approach to learning are decisions for you as parent to make for yourself.
*Note: By this I do not mean that I will tell you what to say - that is not my role. My role is to help you understand the Ministry's requirements, point out areas where you have not yet provided sufficient information to meet those requirements, and offer suggestions where needed; for example where to find resources you might like to investigate etc. Deciding what and how you will teach your child, and planning their program and your approach to learning are decisions for you as parent to make for yourself.
How it works:
After you have written your application, you email it to me to review. When I do so, I will give detailed feedback about any areas that may need more work. Once you have then updated your application, you can send it back to me to look over again, and continue to do so until it's ready to send in. There is no extra charge for repeated reviews of the same application within a reasonable time. (If more than 3 months has elapsed since the original review, and/or a family has completely changed their approach and written a totally different application, then it becomes a new review).
I also will provide any extra support needed should any issues arise with the MoE, until you successfully receive your exemption certificates.
Not included is editing your document for typos, though I may point out some of them or let you know you need to check for typos. This can be time consuming, so I concentrate on the content of your application. If you would like me to do proofing for typos and grammatical errors, I can do so for an additional charge.
$80 to review a single application, or $70 if you have a discount voucher from purchasing my guide pack. (Note: discount for guide purchase only applies once)
$40 for each additional application for other family members being reviewed at the same time
$20* per application to correct typos and grammar (optional) (document must be in an editable form such as Word), at the time I am doing the initial review/read through.
Payment is to be made into my bank account when you submit the applications to me. Details ware in the front of the guide, or will be sent via email.
*Note: if an application has considerable correction needed, I would need to charge for additional time at my hourly rate ($60/hour). This charge also applies if I am asked to do editing of an application on a delayed basis - ie after I've already done the initial review.
My email address is in the exemption guide, or use my Contact Page to get in touch.
I also will provide any extra support needed should any issues arise with the MoE, until you successfully receive your exemption certificates.
Not included is editing your document for typos, though I may point out some of them or let you know you need to check for typos. This can be time consuming, so I concentrate on the content of your application. If you would like me to do proofing for typos and grammatical errors, I can do so for an additional charge.
$80 to review a single application, or $70 if you have a discount voucher from purchasing my guide pack. (Note: discount for guide purchase only applies once)
$40 for each additional application for other family members being reviewed at the same time
$20* per application to correct typos and grammar (optional) (document must be in an editable form such as Word), at the time I am doing the initial review/read through.
Payment is to be made into my bank account when you submit the applications to me. Details ware in the front of the guide, or will be sent via email.
*Note: if an application has considerable correction needed, I would need to charge for additional time at my hourly rate ($60/hour). This charge also applies if I am asked to do editing of an application on a delayed basis - ie after I've already done the initial review.
My email address is in the exemption guide, or use my Contact Page to get in touch.
Reviews are not essential
When you submit an exemption application to the Ministry, they will read it over and then let you know if they feel any additional information is requried in order for the application to meet the "as regularly and well" requirements. Some offices may give you a call to discuss this, but regardless, the request for additional information should always be made to you in writing. You don't have to answer "on the spot" over the phone, unless it's something you feel comfortable doing, nor are you required to meet with the Ministry unless you wish to. Once you recieve this request, you have up to 4 weeks to respond to the Ministry with the additional info requested, otherwise your application lapses.
While having a review before you submit your application may make the process go more smoothly in the case of applications that do need further work, it is really optional - you can just submit the application and wait and see what, if anything, they ask for. At that time, if you wish for some support to help you understand the requirements and what they're asking you for, you can come to me then if you wish. It also means that you will know which parts they consider insufficient, and can focus your efforts on addressing those.
While having a review before you submit your application may make the process go more smoothly in the case of applications that do need further work, it is really optional - you can just submit the application and wait and see what, if anything, they ask for. At that time, if you wish for some support to help you understand the requirements and what they're asking you for, you can come to me then if you wish. It also means that you will know which parts they consider insufficient, and can focus your efforts on addressing those.
Normally I complete reviews in the week following the one in which they are booked. Contact me to check current availability. During particularly busy periods, I list next available dates on my Contact page.