Application Writing Service
Would you prefer to have someone write your application for you? I may be able to help.
First, an important note: Deciding to home educate your children can be exciting but also daunting. You are taking personal responsibility for your children's education. This is a very rewarding thing to do, and looking back over 20+ years of educating my children at home, I don't regret a minute of it! However, in taking this on, it is important that you first take the time to do a bit of research and decide WHAT you want your children to learn and HOW. This is the basis of any exemption application.
While I can help by putting together your application, making sure it's worded clearly and contains all the necessary information, I cannot make it up for you. I can only base the application on the information you have provided about the programme you have decided on for your children's learning. If you haven't yet figured that part out, the please start by reading THIS article, my Guide to Exemptions, and consider also my Planning Your Home Education Programme manual which presents curriculum options to help you make decisions.
Once you've made these decisions, you're ready to get started.
Note: If you are planning to use ACE (Accelerated Christian Education curriculum) or doing the CENZ or ACE Certificate programmes, the content of the program for core subjects will be prescribed based on diagnostic test results with guidance from myself and/or your support agency and discussion with you about course options
First, an important note: Deciding to home educate your children can be exciting but also daunting. You are taking personal responsibility for your children's education. This is a very rewarding thing to do, and looking back over 20+ years of educating my children at home, I don't regret a minute of it! However, in taking this on, it is important that you first take the time to do a bit of research and decide WHAT you want your children to learn and HOW. This is the basis of any exemption application.
While I can help by putting together your application, making sure it's worded clearly and contains all the necessary information, I cannot make it up for you. I can only base the application on the information you have provided about the programme you have decided on for your children's learning. If you haven't yet figured that part out, the please start by reading THIS article, my Guide to Exemptions, and consider also my Planning Your Home Education Programme manual which presents curriculum options to help you make decisions.
Once you've made these decisions, you're ready to get started.
Note: If you are planning to use ACE (Accelerated Christian Education curriculum) or doing the CENZ or ACE Certificate programmes, the content of the program for core subjects will be prescribed based on diagnostic test results with guidance from myself and/or your support agency and discussion with you about course options
For more information, and to get started, click on the button that best describes your intended approach:
Is it ok to have help with an application?
Yes, so long as you honestly declare it in your application. Exemption applications are legal documents; in many different instances people hire experts to help them complete legal documents - lawyers, accountants, immigration specialists etc - and it is their right to do so. It is no different with exemption applications.
Just as with other people fulfilling the above roles, I do not invent content for families; I create personalised documents that contain information about the choices and plans that parents have made for their children's home education, based solely on the resources they have chosen and what they have shared with me. I ensure that enough information is included, and that it is clear, accurate and well presented.
Just as with other people fulfilling the above roles, I do not invent content for families; I create personalised documents that contain information about the choices and plans that parents have made for their children's home education, based solely on the resources they have chosen and what they have shared with me. I ensure that enough information is included, and that it is clear, accurate and well presented.