Todd and I both put out a request for families to share their success stories. Todd compiled ones from HSNZ families, and I compiled the ones I was sent. Both sets were shared with the Ministry of Education.
And, of course, I know that many home educating families, especially those who are new to home education, or those who are deep in the "trenches" and sometimes wonder whether it really will all turn out right in the end, need to hear these success stories too. Therefore, I have compiled the stories into a pdf document which you can download and read. I have also asked Todd if we can share the stories from HSNZ families - he needs to ask permission of those families first; if they agree, I will be adding those stories here too soon, so do check back.
Meanwhile, click HERE to download this sampling of home education success stories. I know there are lots more great stories out there, so if you'd like to add yours to updated editions, email me - details on the first page of the download. You will need a pdf reader to open the file - if you don't have one, then go to to download the free reader.
I hope that these stories, generously shared by fellow home educators, will encourage you!