As at 1 July 2021, there were 7,749 homeschooled students. This represents 0.9% of total school enrolments as at 1 July 2021. Out of the 7,749 homeschoolers 64.6% were aged 12 or under, 70.7% had been home-schooled for less than 5 years, and only 3.8% had been home-schooled for 10 years or more. [To be homeschooled for more than 10 years, a student would have to get the exemption at 6 and continue to be on the homeschooling roll past their 16th birthday.] |
The average age of the 1,858 students entering into homeschooling was 8 years old, 81.5% were aged 12 or under and 0.8% were age 16 or above.
For some of those families, though, it could have been different - perhaps they just needed more connections, more support, from within the homeschooling world, to keep them going. After all, the first year of homeschooling is the hardest - after that it gets easier in many ways. Each homeschooling parent is, of course, self-responsible to seek out connections with others - and NCHENZ maintains a list of known regional homeschooling groups HERE. But we who are homeschooling already can also do our best to offer encouragement and support to those who choose, however briefly, to enter our world. Many, many of you already do this, which is great. I wonder, are there any new or additional ways we can encourage new folks who are past the exemption stage, but may be feeling a bit like they aren't on an even keel yet? What helped you when you were a homeschooler in your first year or so?